Lil' Aubrey

The day to day ramblings of a newly adopted 6-month old girl, and all the wacky things that make up her life. If you even mention the fact that I'm too young to have a blog, I'm gonna' get cranky. You wouldn't like me cranky!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Hawaiian Delight, Family Visits & Power Naps

I have found a Stage 3 mush flavor that is the most spit-inducing flavor every invented (spit-inducing in a good way). It's a coconutty goodness that can only be fed to me at supersonic speed, aptly named Hawaiian Delight. If this is the kind of stuff they have in Hawaii, I am SO THERE!!! Speaking of yummy goodness, I continue to eat my feet. If I'm sitting with shoes or socks on, I am dreadfully unhappy. But the site of my naked toes makes me squeal with delight...and it's usually not more than a couple seconds until I have my entire foot, as well as part of my fist in my mouth. By the way....the tastiest toe?....the answer should be obvious...the big toe is the yummy one. I don't particularly like the baby toe, but it will do in a fix. By the way, I've also learned that just holding my breath and turning beet red when trying to poop, is just not enough. I have learned that grunting and screaming really loudly helps to get the poopies moving. These aren't little girlie grunts either...I grunt like a 50-year old man then follow it up with my "Exorcist" scream, and it's fun. I find myself grunting even for farts, of which I seem to have lots of.

Today I visited my Great Aunt Sue & my Great Aunt Linda in Riverside, which is a gazillion miles away. The trip down was uneventful, as I slept most of the way with no one to play "Punch-a-bug" with me. Once I was there, I was very happy to have a bunch of people who wanted to hold me and play with me. Then came the ride home. That wasn't so pleasant. About half way home, I decided I was hungry. For those of you untrained in the baby arts, hunger=screaming at the decibal level of a Motley Crue concert...continuously...until a few minutes after the bottle is in baby's mouth (to accomodate for pissed-off time). Mommy had to drive the rest of the way home with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other swung around her back holding my bottle for me in the back seat...on the opposite side of the car that Mommy was sitting in. I was pretty impressed at her acrobatic skills, and as soon as I can talk, I'll tell her so....or maybe not.

I'm still not sleeping during the day very much, unless of course if I'm nestled in Mommy's arms. The minute my butt hits crib mattress, I bounce awake with a giant smile. The nice thing for Mommy though, is that she is forced to nap with me - which she needs. At night, I'm pretty good, as I've always been, and I usually only wake up once or twice a night for a diaper change and/or a quick Isomil fix. Once I'm awake, I'm always in a happy mood, and lately I've been giggling much more. I seem to be developing more tickle spots, and last night Mommy gave me a bath and the feel of the water going down my back made me laugh hysterically for about fifteen minutes. It sounded like this...."brrrrrr" (no water)...."he he he he he" (water)..."brrrrrr"...."he he he HAW snort snort snort". Yeah, I snort. A lot. When I cry I'm a major snorter, and when I laugh I'm even worse....

With that, I bid you all a good night, until next time.....he he he SNOOOOOOOORRRTTTTT!


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