Lil' Aubrey

The day to day ramblings of a newly adopted 6-month old girl, and all the wacky things that make up her life. If you even mention the fact that I'm too young to have a blog, I'm gonna' get cranky. You wouldn't like me cranky!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Hello! Long Time No See!

Before I fill you in on the past two weeks, first let me apologize for not putting up any recent posts. My daddy has been very busy, and apparently my site is low on his priority list. But I've taken care of that now. This morning I pooped in my diaper, and it went all the way up my back. It was all I could do to keep from laughing as I heard his making funny gagging noises. I then explained to him that I would do this EVERY.SINGLE.DAY until he updated my site. Needless to say, I won't have to repeat that feat tomorrow. There's lots of cool new pictures now for you to look at underneath this post, so I hope you enjoy them.

My Abuela (Grandma in Spanish) and my Gran Tia (Great Aunt) came to visit me last week. Tia stayed for a few days, and Abuela is here until Saturday. I had great fun with them both, as they constantly argued about who would hold me. As a result, I've gotten a little spoiled, and if I'm not being held or carried 24/7, then you can expect some of those famous Exorcist noises to come out of my mouth, along with whining and fake crying. It seems that every time I turn around, I meet a new relative - which is pretty cool for a girl who had no relatives just a couple months ago. I'm now a little over 8 months old, and I'm very happy.

I have become quite talented at crying, "Mama!" every time my Mommie walks away from me. Despite the fact that I love my Daddy, I have become the biggest mama's girl in the world lately. I don't mind it if someone else is holding me, but my Mommie better be in view somewhere nearby. I don't quite say, "Dada" yet, but I have decided that the word "Da" applies to almost everything. When I see my brother, I yell out, "Da!". When I see the dog, or I'm eating, or singing, or just laying on the floor playing with my toes - you can pretty much expect that I'm saying, "Da!" all the time.

I am slowly learning to crawl, and even though I can't crawl forwards or backwards, I can crawl in a circle REALLY REALLY well. I kind of keep spinning around and that usually helps me reach things that have fallen to the side. I also love to hang upside down. If I'm sitting on someone's lap, you can be pretty sure that I'll eventually throw myself back so that my head is upside-down. If I'm swinging in my swing, I'm going to be hanging my head off the side...and if I'm laying down on the couch, you have to be real watchful, because I will use my legs to thrust myself off the couch - on purpose...just so that I can be upside down. I know that this is probably a little strange, but you are going to have to deal with it, because I am ALL ABOUT that upside-down thing.

I've been working on sitting up for the past couple weeks. Usually I could sit up for about 20 seconds until the magnetic attraction of my feet would draw my head down, and I'd fall over. So Mommie bought me a kind of pillow that helped me sit up. Personally, I didn't like it, and she wasted her money, because exactly two days after she bought it, I started sitting up by myself with no help at all. I am now an official member of the "Sitting Up" Club. Hurray!

I get extremely annoyed when someone is trying to feed me. I don't cooperate at all and spend most of feeding time looking away. I won't open my mouth (unless of course if it's that Hawaiian coconut pudding stuff), so I usually end up with as much food on my face and shirt as I do in my mouth. I much prefer feeding myself, and my favorite finger food is now Cheerios. Apparently, it's my doggie's favorite food too, as he likes to catch all the ones I whenever I'm eating them in my high chair, the doggie is sitting in front of me in a begging position.

I'm still loving my bungee cord jumper, and I can spend almost 30 minutes just jumping up and down and back and forth. I started getting rug burns on the tops of my toes from doing this, and so now they put a blanket underneath the jumper. It didn't matter to me, as it was still fun - even when it hurt!

My top teeth still haven't poked through yet. I know they are going to soon, but for the time being I'll have to settle for just my two lower teeth. I like biting with them. I especially like biting cookies and french fries with them....mmmm....french fries (still my favorite "real" food)! I also have been illness free for over 3 weeks now. Yippee! No coughing, no runny nose, no crying...just sweet sweet breathing. I can sleep SO much better when I can breathe through my nose! I usually go to bed at around 8pm, and I sleep until 4:30. It looks like I'm going to be an early-bird kind of girl. (Sorry Daddy!)

OK...That's it for now. I'll say more in a few days, and hopefully get some more pictures as well. I send you all big hugs and kisses....Oh...and by the way....I've learned to give kisses. They are big sloppy open mouth kisses, usually planted on chins - but I like to give them. A LOT.


  • At 3:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Aubry. I am your Great Aunt (do NOT say "ant")Linda...good girl. Well, the photo of your first taste of lemon was great. I am saving you one of my dill pickles that cause one of my eyes to close...that should be me!! Recently I had one of those "Help--I've fallen and I can't get up" moments. Call and I'll tell you how to use it to get hugs from good looking strange men. It works really really good. I am looking forward to your next posting. Your Daddy told me how good you are at typing and if you want to send me a note to let me know there is a new posting, I would appreciate it.


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