All I Want for Xmas, Oral Fixations & Mamamamamama
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but a baby's work is never done....
My two front teeth (hence the beginning of the fancy title today) have sprouted. One is more out than the other, and I now happily chomp on anything that nears my mouth, be it dog, human or blanket. I've finally stopped drooling the Mississippi River...can you spell Mississippi?...ha said "I pee pee!".
I've decided that my mouth is too big to accomodate normal size objects - like binkies, bottle nipples, toys...and so I now force my hand into my mouth to accompany any other object. This tends to make me gag alot, since I don't stop shoving until it hits my throat. Just what someone with reflux should do on a regular basis. I can honestly say that no part of my house, cars or parents have not at one time or another been blanketed in nice smelly soy-milk barf. If someone is burping me and has a nice burping cloth draped over their shoulder, I will make a special effort to turn my head while barfing, coating their entire chest area right to left - as well as their unprotected shoulder with a nice coat of vomit. That's okay. Don't thank me - it's my pleasure.
I also have mastered the fine art of rolling. I travel throughout the room constantly rolling over, until of course I hit an obstacle. The reason this is a problem is that I roll only to one side. Once I begin rolling left, I'm going to continue to roll left and nothing and no one is going to convince me to roll right. If I start off rolling right, the same applies. I know this is frustrating. Deal with it.
I'm becoming way more vocal now. With my favorite term being "ba ba ba ba BA BA ba ba". I still intersperse this sparkling conversation with the scary noise that I've spoken up sounds like this - "ba ba ba ba AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG ba ba ba" - which means I'm happy, so don't mess with me. I have also discovered the word Mama. I only use it in emergencies, like when I wake up alone in my crib or if my Mommy walks away from my line of sight. However, I can't stop at Mama, so I yell out "mamamamamamamamamama!!!!!!". If I'm not in mortal danger, I don't say it all, so I guess I haven't really learned the significance of the word. However in my search through the alphabet, I do say baabaa, daadaa, waawaa and laalaa as well. I also make little trilling noises when I'm happy, and follow it up with shrill yells that reach the upper register of ear pain....
I'll post again soon with some more mush food stories, as I've been tasting all kinds of stuff...Here's a preview....beef with beef sauce mush? YECCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!! For God's sake, it's actually PINK!!! What kind of food is pink???? Note to self: When you see anything pink - wear it - don't eat it.
My two front teeth (hence the beginning of the fancy title today) have sprouted. One is more out than the other, and I now happily chomp on anything that nears my mouth, be it dog, human or blanket. I've finally stopped drooling the Mississippi River...can you spell Mississippi?...ha said "I pee pee!".
I've decided that my mouth is too big to accomodate normal size objects - like binkies, bottle nipples, toys...and so I now force my hand into my mouth to accompany any other object. This tends to make me gag alot, since I don't stop shoving until it hits my throat. Just what someone with reflux should do on a regular basis. I can honestly say that no part of my house, cars or parents have not at one time or another been blanketed in nice smelly soy-milk barf. If someone is burping me and has a nice burping cloth draped over their shoulder, I will make a special effort to turn my head while barfing, coating their entire chest area right to left - as well as their unprotected shoulder with a nice coat of vomit. That's okay. Don't thank me - it's my pleasure.
I also have mastered the fine art of rolling. I travel throughout the room constantly rolling over, until of course I hit an obstacle. The reason this is a problem is that I roll only to one side. Once I begin rolling left, I'm going to continue to roll left and nothing and no one is going to convince me to roll right. If I start off rolling right, the same applies. I know this is frustrating. Deal with it.
I'm becoming way more vocal now. With my favorite term being "ba ba ba ba BA BA ba ba". I still intersperse this sparkling conversation with the scary noise that I've spoken up sounds like this - "ba ba ba ba AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG ba ba ba" - which means I'm happy, so don't mess with me. I have also discovered the word Mama. I only use it in emergencies, like when I wake up alone in my crib or if my Mommy walks away from my line of sight. However, I can't stop at Mama, so I yell out "mamamamamamamamamama!!!!!!". If I'm not in mortal danger, I don't say it all, so I guess I haven't really learned the significance of the word. However in my search through the alphabet, I do say baabaa, daadaa, waawaa and laalaa as well. I also make little trilling noises when I'm happy, and follow it up with shrill yells that reach the upper register of ear pain....
I'll post again soon with some more mush food stories, as I've been tasting all kinds of stuff...Here's a preview....beef with beef sauce mush? YECCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!! For God's sake, it's actually PINK!!! What kind of food is pink???? Note to self: When you see anything pink - wear it - don't eat it.
At 7:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Aubrey,
Thank you for your updates. I think I speak for many friends when I say "we've missed you". It is obvious that you have been quit busy - so we won't stay upset -
or maybe we will - just until you post this weeks pictures. Hope you are having fun exploring and getting
into all the mischief that a little girl deserves
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