Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & GaGaBaBaMaMaDaDa
This past week has been especially busy, so you'll have to forgive me for not posting sooner...which shouldn't be hard, considering the fact that I have VERY CUTE LITTLE TOES that cause every grown-up to swoon in appreciation....
Christmas was not a particularly interesting day for me. Santa did bring me lots of presents, but as you can imagine, a girl as young as me has other things on her nasty mean teeth, wet diapers, and taggies. Yes...taggies. You know the little paper/clothy tags that are attached to blankies and washclothes and everything else? I heart taggies. Mommie bought me a taggie book that is nothing but a whole mess of taggies, and I just enjoy making them soggy wet all day long. Everyone gave me nice presents, and I'm sure that if my vocal communication skills were as advanced as my typing skills, I would SO be saying, "Thank You!" to all the wonderful family, friends and the big fat guy in the red outfit that I SO want to cover with soy-milk drool. Mommie and Daddy were a little upset Christmas morning, because their shiny metal box that takes pictures stopped working BEFORE I woke up. I guess it really just is a shiny metal box now. They went and bought a new one the day after Christmas, so there will be more pictures soon, but none of my first Christmas.
I have been sick with the flu for the past week, even though I got my first flu shot a while back. I guess there is no need to get the 2nd half of the shot now, as I've already suffered. My nose is always either plugged up or running, and I have a cough that is pretty impressive. But since I'm coughing every couple minutes, I'm having a hard time staying asleep for long - unless Mommie or Daddy are holding me. This has made me very grumpy, and I wanna find another 7-month old girl to have a switchblade knife fight with. I got a nice scratch on my cheek now, and I've been telling every other baby I see that it was due to a knife fight. They are SO afraid of me now...I'm hard core - don't mess with Lil' Aubrey...cause I've got bling and sharp shiny invisible metal blades!
Mommie freaked out the other night because I wouldn't stop crying, so she made Daddy take me to the Emergency Room to see what was wrong. Daddy and I knew that it was just because I had the flu and I was miserable, but we thought that we would appease my poor Mommie, who was also suffering from the flu. Two and a half hours of constant whining and crying in the waiting room, they finally took me in a room. Somehow, I don't think that making me feel better involves a nurse sticking something up my butt, and let me tell you that I.WAS.NOT.AMUSED. Another hour later, the doctor walked in and stuck a giant spear in my ears (well, it probably was not a giant spear, but I certainly screamed like it was) and said that I didn't have an ear infection. Well, I could have told him that, if he had just asked me....sadistic bastard. So, after all that, the doctor said, "Yeah...she's got the flu...continue giving her over-the-counter meds to keep her comfortable, and it'll be over in a few days". Me and Daddy looked at each other and decided that if this was all there was to being a Doctor, we could be one hellzabboppin team of medical professionals if we just opened an office and got one of those tables with crunchy paper.
On another note, I've discovered my inner Amazon scream. It's pretty and much more entertaining than the Exorcist noises I make. I like this high-pitched scream and if I'm happy, I'm going to tell the ENTIRE WORLD, whether we are in a restaurant, a store, or any type of small enclosed space where the sound echoes and dogs run from me in fear of my Amazon wrath. So now I've got two mad skills - ninja invisible knife fighting and Amazon screams, and as soon as I can figure out how to use both of them together, I am SO there.
I'm also scooting along now...not for more than a couple feet as I pretty much just use my massive arm strength to drag my body along, but it's transportation. Once I figure out how to keep the bottoms of my feet from resting on each other, I'm sure my speed will improve. (For those of you who can't understand this...lay on the ground, bend your knees and make the bottom of your right foot rest on the bottom of your right'll get the picture.)
So now I hear it's New Year's Eve, and I hear it's a tradition that you must make New Year's resolutions. Since I'll be in dreamland/coughland by the time midnight comes around, here are my New Year's resolutions:
1. I resolve to not suck on the little pinky toe of my left foot anymore...all the other toes are fair game though.
2. I resolve to throw up less and poop more.
3. I resolve to find new ways to express myself besides saying "GaGaBaBaMaMaDaDa...grrrrr".
4. I resolve to find a way to keep giant walrus tusk teeth from breaking through my delicate pink gums.
5. I resolve to gain weight, gain height, and learn to walk in 2005.
6. I resolve to never again smell the butt of a dog that has laid an SBD on me.
7. I resolve to chew up the dog toys in retribution for the three - count them - THREE booger suckers that this little hairy beast has chewed into little bits.
8. I resolve to start watching BooBah, Barney, and Teletubbies for periods long enough to allow Mommie and Daddy to once again resume a romantic relationship....whatever that is.
9. I resolve to spend more time watching my brother play video games. He was playing his new EyeToy for Playstation2 and waving his hands around, and that made me giggle hysterically for about fifteen minutes.
10. I resolve to not turn out like my Dad and require an OCD list of ten items every time I make a list.
Happy New Year to everyone in the world! Some new pictures will be posted later, so that you too can marvel at how much I've grown, and how much more beautiful I've gotten since I've gained that imaginary switchblade knife fight scratch on my cheek!
Christmas was not a particularly interesting day for me. Santa did bring me lots of presents, but as you can imagine, a girl as young as me has other things on her nasty mean teeth, wet diapers, and taggies. Yes...taggies. You know the little paper/clothy tags that are attached to blankies and washclothes and everything else? I heart taggies. Mommie bought me a taggie book that is nothing but a whole mess of taggies, and I just enjoy making them soggy wet all day long. Everyone gave me nice presents, and I'm sure that if my vocal communication skills were as advanced as my typing skills, I would SO be saying, "Thank You!" to all the wonderful family, friends and the big fat guy in the red outfit that I SO want to cover with soy-milk drool. Mommie and Daddy were a little upset Christmas morning, because their shiny metal box that takes pictures stopped working BEFORE I woke up. I guess it really just is a shiny metal box now. They went and bought a new one the day after Christmas, so there will be more pictures soon, but none of my first Christmas.
I have been sick with the flu for the past week, even though I got my first flu shot a while back. I guess there is no need to get the 2nd half of the shot now, as I've already suffered. My nose is always either plugged up or running, and I have a cough that is pretty impressive. But since I'm coughing every couple minutes, I'm having a hard time staying asleep for long - unless Mommie or Daddy are holding me. This has made me very grumpy, and I wanna find another 7-month old girl to have a switchblade knife fight with. I got a nice scratch on my cheek now, and I've been telling every other baby I see that it was due to a knife fight. They are SO afraid of me now...I'm hard core - don't mess with Lil' Aubrey...cause I've got bling and sharp shiny invisible metal blades!
Mommie freaked out the other night because I wouldn't stop crying, so she made Daddy take me to the Emergency Room to see what was wrong. Daddy and I knew that it was just because I had the flu and I was miserable, but we thought that we would appease my poor Mommie, who was also suffering from the flu. Two and a half hours of constant whining and crying in the waiting room, they finally took me in a room. Somehow, I don't think that making me feel better involves a nurse sticking something up my butt, and let me tell you that I.WAS.NOT.AMUSED. Another hour later, the doctor walked in and stuck a giant spear in my ears (well, it probably was not a giant spear, but I certainly screamed like it was) and said that I didn't have an ear infection. Well, I could have told him that, if he had just asked me....sadistic bastard. So, after all that, the doctor said, "Yeah...she's got the flu...continue giving her over-the-counter meds to keep her comfortable, and it'll be over in a few days". Me and Daddy looked at each other and decided that if this was all there was to being a Doctor, we could be one hellzabboppin team of medical professionals if we just opened an office and got one of those tables with crunchy paper.
On another note, I've discovered my inner Amazon scream. It's pretty and much more entertaining than the Exorcist noises I make. I like this high-pitched scream and if I'm happy, I'm going to tell the ENTIRE WORLD, whether we are in a restaurant, a store, or any type of small enclosed space where the sound echoes and dogs run from me in fear of my Amazon wrath. So now I've got two mad skills - ninja invisible knife fighting and Amazon screams, and as soon as I can figure out how to use both of them together, I am SO there.
I'm also scooting along now...not for more than a couple feet as I pretty much just use my massive arm strength to drag my body along, but it's transportation. Once I figure out how to keep the bottoms of my feet from resting on each other, I'm sure my speed will improve. (For those of you who can't understand this...lay on the ground, bend your knees and make the bottom of your right foot rest on the bottom of your right'll get the picture.)
So now I hear it's New Year's Eve, and I hear it's a tradition that you must make New Year's resolutions. Since I'll be in dreamland/coughland by the time midnight comes around, here are my New Year's resolutions:
1. I resolve to not suck on the little pinky toe of my left foot anymore...all the other toes are fair game though.
2. I resolve to throw up less and poop more.
3. I resolve to find new ways to express myself besides saying "GaGaBaBaMaMaDaDa...grrrrr".
4. I resolve to find a way to keep giant walrus tusk teeth from breaking through my delicate pink gums.
5. I resolve to gain weight, gain height, and learn to walk in 2005.
6. I resolve to never again smell the butt of a dog that has laid an SBD on me.
7. I resolve to chew up the dog toys in retribution for the three - count them - THREE booger suckers that this little hairy beast has chewed into little bits.
8. I resolve to start watching BooBah, Barney, and Teletubbies for periods long enough to allow Mommie and Daddy to once again resume a romantic relationship....whatever that is.
9. I resolve to spend more time watching my brother play video games. He was playing his new EyeToy for Playstation2 and waving his hands around, and that made me giggle hysterically for about fifteen minutes.
10. I resolve to not turn out like my Dad and require an OCD list of ten items every time I make a list.
Happy New Year to everyone in the world! Some new pictures will be posted later, so that you too can marvel at how much I've grown, and how much more beautiful I've gotten since I've gained that imaginary switchblade knife fight scratch on my cheek!
At 4:07 PM,
east said…
Happy New Year! 2005!!!!!
At 1:42 PM,
sic said…
You should maybe think about not EVER smelling the butt of a dog. Just an idea...
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