It's May, so that must mean it's time for the 6 month update!
Hello my subjects! It's Princess Aubrey, here to fill you in on the last six months of my life! I think the last time we chatted, we left off with Halloween. Thanksgiving wasn't very exciting (at least to me anyways), so we'll start off with Christmas. Have I told you that I heart Santa? Oh yeah. He rocks my world! He brought me a pink convertible battery operated Barbie Mustang - the kind you drive! I've decided that next to eating, pushing on the accelerator is my favorite thing to do. I haven't quite mastered the art of steering yet, but based on how my Mommy drives, it apparently isn't a skill that's needed much in the real world anyways. Santa actually came to my school to visit, and they put snow on the ground so we could play in it. I wanted nothing to do with him. I was very happy to look at him through a window and run away. Like most men, Santa is best enjoyed from a distance! I loved the Xmas tree, and the decorations, and was very excited when all my Christmas Carol-singing plush dolls were taken out of storage. I love hearing them sing, and have all the songs memorized. The only doll I don't like is the Abominable Snowman from the "Rudolph" movie. When he yells it scares me, so I don't play with him at all.

On a more personal note, I got very very VERY sick in February. Apparently, one of my classmates, who has learned the art of wiping his or her butt - seems clueless as to the fact that it must be wiped with paper, and not flesh. So, I got something called "Hand Foot & Mouth Disease". At first, I didn't believe it - I mean, I didn't go near cows at all this year! Let me tell you, after experiencing this disease, Mad Cow Disease would be a vacation. My entire mouth and face were covered with sores. When I say my mouth - I mean IN MY MOUTH. Tongue, roof of mouth, gums, cheeks. Horrible painful sores that made it impossible to eat or drink. Even swallowing made me scream. Wanna hear the best part? There's no medicine for it. Children's Tylenol would have probably helped with the pain for it, but that would have required putting liquid in my mouth. How long do the sores and the pain last? Two weeks baby. Fourteen long days and nights where sleep only happens about 15 minutes at a stretch, because when you are asleep, you swallow without thinking, which wakes you up screaming for 30 minutes or so. Yeah. Not a whole lot of fun. But apparently it was not without some merit, as it broke me of the habit of using my binky. You heard that right! I'm a big girl now, with no binky at all! Woo Hoo!
Well, on to more current things. I got a new swing set a couple weeks ago, and I love it love it love it! It's the first thing I do when I wake up, and the last thing I do before it gets dark. I love to swing, and usually while I'm swinging, I'm singing a song or seven. My favorite song to sing while on the swing is Old McDonald, though I have a few favorites. I'm still throwing hissy fits, though usually they are for a reason now - typically when I don't get my way. I'm really excited about my birthday, which is in 3 day! Hurray! I'm having a party at Chuck E. Cheese, and lots of my friends will be there. I'll try and post those pictures right away. I'm going to be the Big 4. Yeah. I'm a big girl now! I'm hoping to get a bike for a present, as I've outgrown my little one. I'm really good at pedaling, and I like to ride my scooter too, and have great balance. In school, I'm involved in a lot of activities. I do karate, gymnastics, dance, and soccer. I'm very active!
Oh are the pictures. I know that's what you come here for!
Me and My Mommy Enjoying a Winter-ish Day
Having Fun With Daddy's Hat
One of the Easter Egg Surprises
Who says I don't know how to put on lipstick? Surprise Mommy!
Xmastime and my cool Electric Barbie Convertible!
You think the Easter Bunny is cute? She's got nothing on ME!
I loved my blinking Rudolph reindeer nose!
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