Watcha' Gonna' Do Wit' All That Junk, All That Junk Inside Your Trunk?
I'm a gonna' make you work, make you work, make you work! Yeah, it's not easy being my parents (a.k.a. slaves)...Especially Mommy, who wakes up at 4:00 A.M. with me every day, and who is not allowed to leave my sight, even for a bathroom break. As wonderful as Daddy is, he is only a temporary fix - good for about 5-10 minutes entertainment before I start yelling for "Ya-Ya". By the way, Ya-Ya is my Mommy's name. I made it so a few months ago, and though I will occassionally call her Mommy, more often than not, Ya-Ya is the name I prefer.
Well, I've been in this family for about a year now. It's hard to believe that a year passed so fast. If all goes as planned, everything will be finalized within the next few months. It's all about red tape and paperwork. Everytime we think it's ready to go, there's another sheet of paper that needs to be signed by somebody, holding us up.
Halloween was fun! I got dressed up in a pumpkin suit and actually went trick or treating at a couple houses. I got two candy bars, which mysteriously disappeared before I had a chance to chew them and spit them out. You see, that's the way I like to eat chocolate - especially M&M's. I'll actually swallow a couple, but after those, I just chew a bunch up into a big wad of chocolate and spit them out on the carpet. They make a really cool stain! I also found out that I'm allergic to strawberries all of a sudden. They made my face break into a bright red rash, which really sucks because strawberries are my FAVORITE fruit of all, and I can eat around a dozen in one sitting very very quickly. Thanksgiving was pretty good. It was fun having all my cousins around to play with, though I wasn't thrilled with the turkey. I'm not really a meat-lover, and I'm sure I'll be a vegetarian when I grow up. I'd much rather have fruit and veggies any day of the week. I'm looking forward to Xmas, though I hear that the tree might be in jeopardy this year. Mommy and Daddy are thinking about nixing the tree, because they are afraid I might pull it down, or climb it, or throw all the pretty glass ornaments all over and break them. Well, it's my job to do these things, and if they won't let me do it, I'll find other things to climb and break. I'm already climbing into chairs - after I move them into place, of course. It lets me reach all those things that I couldn't reach before! I haven't figured out how to get down though.
Well, here are some of the latest pictures for you to enjoy! I'll talk to you soon! Love, Aubrey.

I'm an inspector. I inspect everything on the ground outside, and of course a good inspector must eat what they find. The recent results of my studies? Rolly Poly bugs don't taste good. Dirt doesn't taste good either (though the jury is still out on that one). Weeds and grass, though they look like salad, aren't salad. Water on the sidewalk is best when you splash your feet through it.

Despite constant disapproval of my choice for a "sand box", the planter that holds the palm tree is my favorite place outside. It's filled with rocks for me to inspect, flowers to pull out of the ground (This spot used to be full of flowers.), pieces of palm tree to pull off, sprinklers that are hard to pull out, and malibu lights that are very easy to pull out and play with. (Don't worry, Mom unplugged them.)

This is a rare picture. I've actually smiled for the camera. I'm constantly smiling a wide grin all day long, but the minute I see a camera, I get all serious...I mean, c'mon! You never see supermodels all grinning and stuff in the fashion mags! I'm practicing for when I'm famous!

This is what it looks like when I come downstairs and wake up Mommy or Daddy on the couch. It's a quick "Ooooh!", followed by a head-butt, and a climb-on. Then I'll sit - on YOU - on your NECK, because your neck makes a comfy chair. If you are standing, I'll sit on your feet. If you move your feet, I'll move to get back on them. If you don't like me sitting on your neck, I dare you to move. Because after the neck, I'm sitting on your head. It's not very comfy, but sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. (By the way, don't you love my hairdo when I wake up? It's like Larry from the Three Stooges!)

All right. Get it over with...all together now...."Awwwww! Soooo cute!" Believe it or not, I kept the head gear on the whole time. By the way, if you look behind me to where that round thing is on the floor - that's an island-thingee in the kitchen. There used to be bar stools there. But I found it quite fun to push them around and knock them over, so my mean Daddy took them away. Sometimes he's no fun at all.

Another long day is done. Do you see those bags under my eyes? They are a combination of being tired, having hay-fever, and Mommy not buying me the right foundation. So, now it's time for me to go nite-nite. I'd wave to you, but it's just too much effort right now!
(By the way, the title of this post and the first sentence is from a song by the Black Eyed Peas, called "My Hump". I can't believe someone would sing about having a lumpy diaper, but to each her own!)
Well, I've been in this family for about a year now. It's hard to believe that a year passed so fast. If all goes as planned, everything will be finalized within the next few months. It's all about red tape and paperwork. Everytime we think it's ready to go, there's another sheet of paper that needs to be signed by somebody, holding us up.
Halloween was fun! I got dressed up in a pumpkin suit and actually went trick or treating at a couple houses. I got two candy bars, which mysteriously disappeared before I had a chance to chew them and spit them out. You see, that's the way I like to eat chocolate - especially M&M's. I'll actually swallow a couple, but after those, I just chew a bunch up into a big wad of chocolate and spit them out on the carpet. They make a really cool stain! I also found out that I'm allergic to strawberries all of a sudden. They made my face break into a bright red rash, which really sucks because strawberries are my FAVORITE fruit of all, and I can eat around a dozen in one sitting very very quickly. Thanksgiving was pretty good. It was fun having all my cousins around to play with, though I wasn't thrilled with the turkey. I'm not really a meat-lover, and I'm sure I'll be a vegetarian when I grow up. I'd much rather have fruit and veggies any day of the week. I'm looking forward to Xmas, though I hear that the tree might be in jeopardy this year. Mommy and Daddy are thinking about nixing the tree, because they are afraid I might pull it down, or climb it, or throw all the pretty glass ornaments all over and break them. Well, it's my job to do these things, and if they won't let me do it, I'll find other things to climb and break. I'm already climbing into chairs - after I move them into place, of course. It lets me reach all those things that I couldn't reach before! I haven't figured out how to get down though.
Well, here are some of the latest pictures for you to enjoy! I'll talk to you soon! Love, Aubrey.

I'm an inspector. I inspect everything on the ground outside, and of course a good inspector must eat what they find. The recent results of my studies? Rolly Poly bugs don't taste good. Dirt doesn't taste good either (though the jury is still out on that one). Weeds and grass, though they look like salad, aren't salad. Water on the sidewalk is best when you splash your feet through it.

Despite constant disapproval of my choice for a "sand box", the planter that holds the palm tree is my favorite place outside. It's filled with rocks for me to inspect, flowers to pull out of the ground (This spot used to be full of flowers.), pieces of palm tree to pull off, sprinklers that are hard to pull out, and malibu lights that are very easy to pull out and play with. (Don't worry, Mom unplugged them.)

This is a rare picture. I've actually smiled for the camera. I'm constantly smiling a wide grin all day long, but the minute I see a camera, I get all serious...I mean, c'mon! You never see supermodels all grinning and stuff in the fashion mags! I'm practicing for when I'm famous!

This is what it looks like when I come downstairs and wake up Mommy or Daddy on the couch. It's a quick "Ooooh!", followed by a head-butt, and a climb-on. Then I'll sit - on YOU - on your NECK, because your neck makes a comfy chair. If you are standing, I'll sit on your feet. If you move your feet, I'll move to get back on them. If you don't like me sitting on your neck, I dare you to move. Because after the neck, I'm sitting on your head. It's not very comfy, but sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. (By the way, don't you love my hairdo when I wake up? It's like Larry from the Three Stooges!)

All right. Get it over with...all together now...."Awwwww! Soooo cute!" Believe it or not, I kept the head gear on the whole time. By the way, if you look behind me to where that round thing is on the floor - that's an island-thingee in the kitchen. There used to be bar stools there. But I found it quite fun to push them around and knock them over, so my mean Daddy took them away. Sometimes he's no fun at all.

Another long day is done. Do you see those bags under my eyes? They are a combination of being tired, having hay-fever, and Mommy not buying me the right foundation. So, now it's time for me to go nite-nite. I'd wave to you, but it's just too much effort right now!
(By the way, the title of this post and the first sentence is from a song by the Black Eyed Peas, called "My Hump". I can't believe someone would sing about having a lumpy diaper, but to each her own!)