Sorry. I'm a Little Bit Grumpy Lately
I thought that was a funny joke. If you didn't get it, I'm sorry. So, here's the real scoop. St. Patrick's day was a hoot. In the spirit of the holiday, I pooped green for about 2 months solid. I'm just ambitious that way. Easter was confusing. I didn't quite get the idea of having to find the eggs and put them in the basket. It was fun once all the eggs were in there, and I got to open them up, but the collecting part I left to Mama and DiDi (That's my latest version of names for Mom & Dad). The Easter Bunny made the mistake of putting little foil wrapped chocolate eggs inside the plastic eggs. You see, I don't like to wait. I don't like anyone opening anything for me. In fact, I'd rather do most things by myself, otherwise I'm likely to throw one big whamma-jamma of a fit. If you give me a banana, I will bite through the skin to get at the inside. If you peel it for me, I'll just throw it on the ground, because you've ruined it. The same thing goes for string cheese and beef jerky sticks. Just leave them in the wrappers, and I'll bite through them or eventually give them to you to open for me. Getting the idea yet of what I did to the eggs? Oh yeah. It was mighty messy. I'd put those foil covered treats entirely in my mouth and chew on them. Eventually I'd get to the chocolate part, and I would just pull the foil part (now covered with melted chocolate) out of my mouth and throw it on the ground or put it on the couch - where it belongs, by the way. A nice $3000 leather couch, which I have single-handledly made sticky and disgusting over the past year. Oh yeah. I've got skills.
I've been having fun in daycare too. Though I'm not sure the other kids think so. 'Cause I likes to do me some "wrastling". If you are a little kid around my size, I'll just run up to you and hug you and knock you down. Once I've got you on the ground, I'll sit on your belly and jump up and down and up and down - just like I do with Dad and brother. I'm a big bully, and I like it. I also pull hair and pinch and occasionally bite - not to be mean-spirited or anything. As many times as I'm told that it's a "no-no", I still do what I want most of the time. It's a hormonal thing - you'll just have to deal with it.
My latest nickname is "Grabby Hands". What's my favorite things to grab and/or poke at? Three guesses. Haven't figured it out yet? Here's a hint. There are two places and both of them are in my diaper. Yep. If my diaper is on, I am CONSTANTLY putting my hand in the back of my diaper, and reaching around between the cheeks. Most time this isn't a problem, but around once or twice a day, I find myself a chocolate treat. Which leads to smelling it, tasting it, saying "yuk!", then wiping my hand off on my clothes, or the nearest surface, or carpet or couch. If within a couple seconds, Mama or Didi haven't seen that I'm covered in "chocolate", I'm quite often reaching in again to get a second handful. It's disgusting - I know. But I'm a baby! What do you expect? If I'm walking around, my hands in there 24/7. If you tell me to take my hand out of my diaper - I'll listen - For about 10 seconds. Then...WHOOP, THERE IT IS...back into my diaper it goes. Now. About the second area. Which to Didi is the most disturbing thing of all. The second that my diaper is off, whether it's due to a changing, or me pulling it off, or a bath - at that point, reaching into the backside is no longer of interest to me. My hand goes directly into the "front part". If you try to pull it away, I'll just keep putting it back a million times. During bath time it's crazy. My hand WILL NOT LEAVE IT ALONE. Didi is horrified the entire time, and keeps pulling my hand away. Mami doesn't especially like it either when it happens, but she tends to freak out a little less...she doesn't scream "Oh my God Aubrey!!!!" the whole time like Didi does. I'm sure I'll grow out of this someday. (Daddy's note: "Please God, let her grow out of it QUICKLY!")
I'm now a whopping 29 pounds, and nearly ten feet tall - for those of you keeping track. And my birthday is coming up on May 15th, just in case you all need a reminder. If you are wondering what to get me, here are some hints:
Blues Clues DVD's (The old ones with Steve in them - the new ones are OK, but I have all of those already). I've pretty much outgrown Elmo at this point. I still like Dora, but I'm moving on to Blue's Clues and Barney too.
Jewelry - I like to wear bracelets and necklaces. I like rings too, but I mostly put those in my mouth, and for some reason Mama and Didi don't let me play with the rings.
Purses - Yeah. I'm a girly girl and will carry a purse with me everywhere I go. Where else is a young lady to carry her precious binkies?
Stuffed animals/dolls - But please note - They MUST sing or dance or make noise when I push a button. I especially like the little singing gerbils you find in the store that cost about $4.99. I wear those out. If you get me something that doesn't make noises or doesn't have a button for me to push, I will NOT play with them. I'm picky that way. I have been known to make an exception for Barbie dolls if you are in a fix though. But be warned - in a matter of minutes they will be naked and wrestling each other.
So, here are the latest pictures:

When you are a girl with an oral fixation like me, one binky just doesn't cut it anymore.

Just kickin' back in my easy chair, watching Blue's Clues with one of my ever-present blankies.

No. This is not my bed. But it's another bed that I share with the doggy. Well, not exactly "share". More like - "Doggy Move!", and I take it over. What can I say? It's comfy and I like to nap in it!

Look what the Easter Bunny left me! Eggs!!!!!

Brother got a giant haul of eggs, since I only collected about 4 before I got bored with it. Next year, I don't think he'll be so happy, because I've figured out what needs to be done on Easter morning now!

"Can you take the foil off of this little egg for me? I promise I won't get chocolate all over the couch like I did five minutes ago. Come can you refuse a cute face like this?"

The official portrait for Spring of 2006. Don't let the dress fool ya'. I'm the one you should be afraid to mess with.
I've been having fun in daycare too. Though I'm not sure the other kids think so. 'Cause I likes to do me some "wrastling". If you are a little kid around my size, I'll just run up to you and hug you and knock you down. Once I've got you on the ground, I'll sit on your belly and jump up and down and up and down - just like I do with Dad and brother. I'm a big bully, and I like it. I also pull hair and pinch and occasionally bite - not to be mean-spirited or anything. As many times as I'm told that it's a "no-no", I still do what I want most of the time. It's a hormonal thing - you'll just have to deal with it.
My latest nickname is "Grabby Hands". What's my favorite things to grab and/or poke at? Three guesses. Haven't figured it out yet? Here's a hint. There are two places and both of them are in my diaper. Yep. If my diaper is on, I am CONSTANTLY putting my hand in the back of my diaper, and reaching around between the cheeks. Most time this isn't a problem, but around once or twice a day, I find myself a chocolate treat. Which leads to smelling it, tasting it, saying "yuk!", then wiping my hand off on my clothes, or the nearest surface, or carpet or couch. If within a couple seconds, Mama or Didi haven't seen that I'm covered in "chocolate", I'm quite often reaching in again to get a second handful. It's disgusting - I know. But I'm a baby! What do you expect? If I'm walking around, my hands in there 24/7. If you tell me to take my hand out of my diaper - I'll listen - For about 10 seconds. Then...WHOOP, THERE IT IS...back into my diaper it goes. Now. About the second area. Which to Didi is the most disturbing thing of all. The second that my diaper is off, whether it's due to a changing, or me pulling it off, or a bath - at that point, reaching into the backside is no longer of interest to me. My hand goes directly into the "front part". If you try to pull it away, I'll just keep putting it back a million times. During bath time it's crazy. My hand WILL NOT LEAVE IT ALONE. Didi is horrified the entire time, and keeps pulling my hand away. Mami doesn't especially like it either when it happens, but she tends to freak out a little less...she doesn't scream "Oh my God Aubrey!!!!" the whole time like Didi does. I'm sure I'll grow out of this someday. (Daddy's note: "Please God, let her grow out of it QUICKLY!")
I'm now a whopping 29 pounds, and nearly ten feet tall - for those of you keeping track. And my birthday is coming up on May 15th, just in case you all need a reminder. If you are wondering what to get me, here are some hints:
Blues Clues DVD's (The old ones with Steve in them - the new ones are OK, but I have all of those already). I've pretty much outgrown Elmo at this point. I still like Dora, but I'm moving on to Blue's Clues and Barney too.
Jewelry - I like to wear bracelets and necklaces. I like rings too, but I mostly put those in my mouth, and for some reason Mama and Didi don't let me play with the rings.
Purses - Yeah. I'm a girly girl and will carry a purse with me everywhere I go. Where else is a young lady to carry her precious binkies?
Stuffed animals/dolls - But please note - They MUST sing or dance or make noise when I push a button. I especially like the little singing gerbils you find in the store that cost about $4.99. I wear those out. If you get me something that doesn't make noises or doesn't have a button for me to push, I will NOT play with them. I'm picky that way. I have been known to make an exception for Barbie dolls if you are in a fix though. But be warned - in a matter of minutes they will be naked and wrestling each other.
So, here are the latest pictures:

When you are a girl with an oral fixation like me, one binky just doesn't cut it anymore.

Just kickin' back in my easy chair, watching Blue's Clues with one of my ever-present blankies.

No. This is not my bed. But it's another bed that I share with the doggy. Well, not exactly "share". More like - "Doggy Move!", and I take it over. What can I say? It's comfy and I like to nap in it!

Look what the Easter Bunny left me! Eggs!!!!!

Brother got a giant haul of eggs, since I only collected about 4 before I got bored with it. Next year, I don't think he'll be so happy, because I've figured out what needs to be done on Easter morning now!

"Can you take the foil off of this little egg for me? I promise I won't get chocolate all over the couch like I did five minutes ago. Come can you refuse a cute face like this?"

The official portrait for Spring of 2006. Don't let the dress fool ya'. I'm the one you should be afraid to mess with.