Puppy Dog Tails
I've got a new puppy...and she's cute and cuddly and soft...and I love to torture her at every opportunity! So, I LOVED Halloween this year. I didn't want to wear a costume, but I went door to door anyways in a "Little Devil" T-shirt and raked in some major candy boot-tay. Once that was done, I really really liked handing out candy to everyone. I would hold a few pieces of candy in my hand and sit on the stoop waiting expectantly for the next kid to come to the door. It was everything Mommy and Daddy could do to keep me from running out into the street after them. I just kept screaming "I got candy!!!" and "Happy Halloween!". Also, being the polite little princess that I am, after I gave the kids the candy, and they said thank you, I'd reply, "Your welcome! Happy Halloween! I love you!". You had to be there. I was very very cute...even more cute than normal.
I'm getting older now (I do that, you know...), and my hair is really long. I hate getting it combed though, so it's usually a fight every day to get that done. My hair is naturally curly, so getting a comb through it without catching about 1000 snags is next to impossible. It has to be done within a few minutes of getting out of the bath, or forget it. I'm talking a lot more now, and singing a lot too. My favorite song is "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star", and I'll make up many songs using the same tune. My favorite lyric is "Aubrey Aubrey, Aubrey Aubrey...how I wonder Aubrey Aubrey". I know most every song by the Wiggles, and will sing along if you sing it with me. I also sing along to just about every other song as well...I just make up the words.
I've finally developed an appreciation for bodily functions, and farts are FUNNY as HELL! I'll toot out a good one, and then giggle and say "Poo Poo! He he he!". I'm almost entirely trained with the "lemonade" portion of the poddy-training. It's the "fudge" portion that I can only do in my pants. "Milk, Milk, Lemonade....Around the Corner Fudge is Made".....Yeah...That's pretty funny. Especially if you point to all the areas involved while you are saying it. Try it! You'll see.
I'm a little bit Asthma...You're a little bit Germaphobe.....Yeah...I've had a couple instances where I've had small attacks of breathing difficulty. I wheeze and cry...and try to stick my hand down my throat to open it up. It generally sucks. Fortunately, they haven't lasted very long...and I'll no doubt be getting an inhaler soon for those emergency situations. We haven't quite figured what triggers it, but when the wind is blowing hard and a lot of dust is in the air, that kind of sets up a cough, and from time to time, a little "Wheezy action". Hopefully this will be something I outgrow....'cause it's really scary for Mommy and Daddy.
Let's see....what else?....Did I tell you I have a new puppy? The old doggy is still here, but we got a new one that's tiny and small enough that I can carry around by it's neck...or tail....or leg. Her name is Claire. We've argued over the name. So far, it's been named Boo, Scamper, Bitsy, and most recently Claire. I just call it "Puppy", and that's good enough for me.

Here's Claire, and no...she's not deformed. But she is really cute, and best of all - she's an ankle biter, and a toe biter, and a sock biter...Generally she's either sleeping or biting you. Careful if you let her lick your face, because she'll lick it a couple times and then clamp on to your lips with her teeth. She's a stinker....just like me!

This is me holding Claire. As you can see, she's really really happy to be held with her arm at a 135 degree angle from her body. Usually I've got her by some other appendages, so this was relatively pain-free. Even though I'm constantly doing mean things to her, when I'm asleep, she likes to curl up next to me and sleep with me. It's pretty cute for a few minutes until Mommy and Daddy take her away so she doesn't get me asthma going.

I like playing with scotch tape. So does Mommy. This night, we decided that we'd both become little piggies. Strangely enough, we both are much more attractive as piggies than people.

For those of you unsure of my clothing size, the sticker on my cheek says it all. I love stickers, and my favorite place to put them is all over my face. If you try to take them off me, I'll cry, so don't do it!

I was playing hide and seek with Daddy. Well, sort of. I got yelled at for doing something I shouldn't have been, so I decided to hide behind the DVD cabinet to pout. Five minutes later, I was sound asleep. Looks comfy, huh?

I'm laughing here because I'm wearing rain boots. You can't see them here, but trust me, they are on. It's one of the few times you'll see me without my binky. I go all day at day-care without it, but the minute I get in the car, that's the first thing I request. I don't suck on them anymore, and I mostly bite them sideways.

What's a horsey ride without the appropriate gear? My trusty cowboy hat, cleaning gloves, and jammies. I don't just rock back and forth either. It's more of a rock, then a slide of about 3 feet, as I roam through the house. I'm saying "Giddy Up" or "Yippie Ki Ai" the whole time too.

Here is my ballet outfit. Mommy put me in a ballet class, but I didn't want to participate. I just wanted to sit there and watch the other girls dance. We went to a couple classes, then Mommy gave up and decided to wait until next year to try again. Either way, I was way-hella-cute in my outfit and ballet slippers!

My "Official" school picture for 2006, that we just got back. I know....Hella Cute....
I'm getting older now (I do that, you know...), and my hair is really long. I hate getting it combed though, so it's usually a fight every day to get that done. My hair is naturally curly, so getting a comb through it without catching about 1000 snags is next to impossible. It has to be done within a few minutes of getting out of the bath, or forget it. I'm talking a lot more now, and singing a lot too. My favorite song is "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star", and I'll make up many songs using the same tune. My favorite lyric is "Aubrey Aubrey, Aubrey Aubrey...how I wonder Aubrey Aubrey". I know most every song by the Wiggles, and will sing along if you sing it with me. I also sing along to just about every other song as well...I just make up the words.
I've finally developed an appreciation for bodily functions, and farts are FUNNY as HELL! I'll toot out a good one, and then giggle and say "Poo Poo! He he he!". I'm almost entirely trained with the "lemonade" portion of the poddy-training. It's the "fudge" portion that I can only do in my pants. "Milk, Milk, Lemonade....Around the Corner Fudge is Made".....Yeah...That's pretty funny. Especially if you point to all the areas involved while you are saying it. Try it! You'll see.
I'm a little bit Asthma...You're a little bit Germaphobe.....Yeah...I've had a couple instances where I've had small attacks of breathing difficulty. I wheeze and cry...and try to stick my hand down my throat to open it up. It generally sucks. Fortunately, they haven't lasted very long...and I'll no doubt be getting an inhaler soon for those emergency situations. We haven't quite figured what triggers it, but when the wind is blowing hard and a lot of dust is in the air, that kind of sets up a cough, and from time to time, a little "Wheezy action". Hopefully this will be something I outgrow....'cause it's really scary for Mommy and Daddy.
Let's see....what else?....Did I tell you I have a new puppy? The old doggy is still here, but we got a new one that's tiny and small enough that I can carry around by it's neck...or tail....or leg. Her name is Claire. We've argued over the name. So far, it's been named Boo, Scamper, Bitsy, and most recently Claire. I just call it "Puppy", and that's good enough for me.

Here's Claire, and no...she's not deformed. But she is really cute, and best of all - she's an ankle biter, and a toe biter, and a sock biter...Generally she's either sleeping or biting you. Careful if you let her lick your face, because she'll lick it a couple times and then clamp on to your lips with her teeth. She's a stinker....just like me!

This is me holding Claire. As you can see, she's really really happy to be held with her arm at a 135 degree angle from her body. Usually I've got her by some other appendages, so this was relatively pain-free. Even though I'm constantly doing mean things to her, when I'm asleep, she likes to curl up next to me and sleep with me. It's pretty cute for a few minutes until Mommy and Daddy take her away so she doesn't get me asthma going.

I like playing with scotch tape. So does Mommy. This night, we decided that we'd both become little piggies. Strangely enough, we both are much more attractive as piggies than people.

For those of you unsure of my clothing size, the sticker on my cheek says it all. I love stickers, and my favorite place to put them is all over my face. If you try to take them off me, I'll cry, so don't do it!

I was playing hide and seek with Daddy. Well, sort of. I got yelled at for doing something I shouldn't have been, so I decided to hide behind the DVD cabinet to pout. Five minutes later, I was sound asleep. Looks comfy, huh?

I'm laughing here because I'm wearing rain boots. You can't see them here, but trust me, they are on. It's one of the few times you'll see me without my binky. I go all day at day-care without it, but the minute I get in the car, that's the first thing I request. I don't suck on them anymore, and I mostly bite them sideways.

What's a horsey ride without the appropriate gear? My trusty cowboy hat, cleaning gloves, and jammies. I don't just rock back and forth either. It's more of a rock, then a slide of about 3 feet, as I roam through the house. I'm saying "Giddy Up" or "Yippie Ki Ai" the whole time too.

Here is my ballet outfit. Mommy put me in a ballet class, but I didn't want to participate. I just wanted to sit there and watch the other girls dance. We went to a couple classes, then Mommy gave up and decided to wait until next year to try again. Either way, I was way-hella-cute in my outfit and ballet slippers!

My "Official" school picture for 2006, that we just got back. I know....Hella Cute....